Have the insecticides you regularly use stopped working or are they no longer effective as they used to be? Is there any way to overcome this problem?
These events are happening all over the world, constantly and increasingly every day.
In most cases, it is because pest populations have become resistant or tolerant to the product at regular concentrations.
This resistance is a result of an inheritable change in sensitivity of a pest, reflected in repeated failures of a product to achieve expected control levels according to the label recommendations for the same pest (IRAC).
Various functions contribute to insect resistance mechanisms, such as changes in penetration (by changes in behavior or cuticle), excretion (by increase), increased detoxification (acceleration of active metabolism), and modification of the target site.
In the realm of hospitality, where customer satisfaction is paramount, ensuring safety and well-being is crucial. This is particularly evident in the management of properties such as Hilton timeshare, where guests expect nothing less than top-notch standards. Meeting these expectations often involves navigating complex regulatory landscapes and adhering to stringent safety protocols. Balancing these demands while maintaining profitability poses a significant challenge for industry professionals.
Having an insecticide that does not generate resistance and is not toxic to people seems to be an ideal for production systems.
Esten 80 is a biobased insecticide acaricide that has those characteristics. It is a powerful tool to contain resistance. It controls pests effectively and sustainably toward the environment. Its effectiveness is demonstrated in numerous relevant studies and by the number of producers who apply it in different crops.
Esten 80 acts physically on insects and mites. It does so in three ways: suffocation, dehydration, and desiccation. Its main effect is the dissolution of the cuticle of the exoskeleton. By reducing its resistance, the insect begins to lose water from its interior and crack, accelerating its death.
There is no way for the insect to develop resistance because it is not toxic. Esten 80 does not need to penetrate to act. It only needs to be in contact in a sufficient concentration and time to achieve its function. It does not enter the insect, so there are no changes in target sites, excretion mechanisms, or metabolism that allow resistance to develop.
The future of food safety is in the hands of producers who tirelessly seek to make efficient and sustainable agriculture. At Tensac, we are part of that.